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Forum nameNew Product Introductions and Product Availability
Topic subjectRE: Castable Planer Boards with Direction Control
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=13&topic_id=2022&mesg_id=2024
2024, RE: Castable Planer Boards with Direction Control
Posted by BulBob, Sun Mar-25-07 03:22 AM
Thanks Supermat,

Moving your bait from side to side with on-demand control was the first step.

I decorated one to test as lure.

I weighted it so it would dive when reeled a little faster and provide some 3 dimensional control.

You can also slip rig them for 3 dimensional contol.

Decorating and slip rigging would give you a small lure when it is down and a large one when you pull it to the BulletBobber.

I think they can help most shallow water fishing.

I thought I would throw in some fish picture caught using the BulletBobber.

Here is my son with his first big Steelhead caught 2/27/2007.
He said there was an opening in the ice below a dam and it took 20 minutes to hook up but only one cast. He called me at work to tell me he caught one and was waiting when I got home to take his picture.
Yes - I made him put it back on his line for the picture.

This was sent to me by a stpier guide in Tennessee.
His clients like having control of where there bait goes.

I do some Smallmouth fishing.

Paul Lieb
BulletBobber Enterprises
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