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Topic subjectBest way to sharpen knives?
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=2&topic_id=762
762, Best way to sharpen knives?
Posted by , Mon Jul-30-01 07:28 AM
Any thoughts out there on what is the best way to sharpen a fillet knife? Is using a honing stone the preferred way or can I get by with something like a Normark 1-stage sharpener? Does it really make a difference? Thanks.
763, RE: Best way to sharpen knives?
Posted by , Mon Jul-30-01 09:31 AM
If you have a really good knife don't use one of those cheap angled sharpeners (I learned the hard way). Go to a cutlery shop and have them show you how to sharpen it with a diamond sharpener. Mine works great with my Forshner and it is always sharper than I can imagine. Those cheap sharpeners work okay for cheaper knifes like those Rapala ones you can get at Sporting Goods Chains.


You can't catch tomorrow what you kill today - please practice catch and release.

764, RE: Best way to sharpen knives?
Posted by , Mon Jul-30-01 12:32 PM
I recommend the 3-stage Chef's Choice sharpener. It is an expensive diamond-based (only industrial grade diamonds of course) electric unit of very high quality. It provides different slots and different procedures depending on how dull the knife is. I had a drawer full of ineffective sharpeners before I bought this one which has given excellent results for many years. I believe that I paid about $70+ for it. Be sure to follow the very clear instructions, and do not attempt to sharpen serrated edges or scissors with it.

I also recommend buying a high quality fillet knife from a butchers' supply store. An old-fashioned carbon steel knife can be relatively inexpensive and take a very sharp edge. I have had mine for many years.

The best low-tech sharpener I used before the Chef's Choice was a two-sided rectangular honing stone (coarse and smooth sides).

Good luck.

765, RE: Best way to sharpen knives?
Posted by , Tue Jul-31-01 04:42 AM
Before it was stolen along with the vast majority of my fishing gear and some non dangerous hunting gear, I had a Lansky sharpener with Diamond dusted "stones". It was the best thing I've found for sharpening a knife of any straight bladed type.
I also understand that they sell a rat tail sharpener for serrated knives.
As for tips for sharpening; a) go slow, this avoids heat build-up from friction that will rob the steal of its temper slowly and make the knife get dull faster, b) don't let the knife get really dull in the first place, touching up the edge on a sharp knife when it just starts to get dull is far better than letting it get really dull then having to grind away the dullness.
Just my 2 pennys worth.

Tight lines,