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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectPrefishing Report Big Hammer Tournament Haskell’s Beach 7-8-06
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=14058&mesg_id=14058
14058, Prefishing Report Big Hammer Tournament Haskell’s Beach 7-8-06
Posted by bowlboy, Sat Jul-08-06 01:34 PM
I figured I should go to Haskell’s and try to figure out a plan for next Saturdays Big Hammer Tournament Series Event #1 at Haskell’s beach in Goleta.

Hit the water right at 6:00 Am and launched dry through small surf. I was going to concentrate on bass and scored right off the bat with a small 1.5 pound fish. I was throwing the new Big Hammer 5.5 inch swimbait in “Christmas Tree” color and coated it up good in Pro-Cure “Krill” flavored pro gel. A short time later I get ripped on the drop by a nice 4.5 pound model.

Next up was about a 22 inch white sea bass, that put up a good fight on light tackle.

Then all hell broke loose.

Have you ever come across a spot where you just knew you were going to get bit. Well I found it this morning. Two nice kelp stringers with a good little channel between them that kind of pinched down at the back to form a little cove. There was a small bait ball hanging near the front on the left edge. It just looked fishy. I tossed to the back of the cove and let her sink. When I hit bottom I got about 3 cranks in when I see the bait ball just erupt. They scattered in every direction including up. A moment later I get slammed and I’m bent big time. The fish goes straight down into thick kelp and sticks there. I’m trying to work it out but it ain’t moving. Finally I get around the side of the stringer and out she comes. Oh baby this is a quality fish Got a good boga shot and up she comes.

7 Pounds and 10 Ounces on the digi scale, sweeeeett!!! Absolutely inhaled that hammer.

Super stoked, there is nothing more to do then to keep fishing. The bite stayed good and next I stuck a chunky 4 pounder and two more short WSB. Kicked over to a new area for nothing and then came back to my honey hole for another 1 pound fish. About 9:30 the current died and then had a long dry spell.

Decided to hit a small patch of reef up the coast and stuck 3 more Calico’s including about a 3 pounder. All in all a great day on the water and with about a 20 pound 5 fish bag. Just hope I can do it again next Saturday.

For more information about the tournament or to pre register, go to
