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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectWhere are the Float Tubers
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=1015
1015, Where are the Float Tubers
Posted by , Fri Oct-20-00 06:57 AM
I miss all of the postings from the local Santa Barbara float tubers. I know the water temp. has dropped and so has the fishcounts. Just wondered how you guys keep yourself occupied in the winter months - party boats? Lake fishing?

Look forward to all your postings about Goleta halibut and Harbor WSB's in the spring.
1016, RE: Where are the Float Tubers
Posted by Frank, Fri Oct-20-00 10:57 AM
I had my tube pop (again...) 2 weeks ago down in Palos Verdes while de-flopping a fat calico before he went in the sack. I still managed to get a several short WSB and calicos though before the day was done. Normally I'd still be fishin' a bit but school has picked up for me so I have to spend a lot of time studing....

Last time I went out at Haskell's I got absolutely smoked on the way in. Totally lost my tube and dunked my reel. I broke it down and cleaned it just in case any sand got in there.

In terms of fish in the freezer, I hit up the albacore on the Seahawk a while back and got 2 of 'em. That'll keep me stocked up on high quality pescado for quite a while!
1017, RE: Where are the Float Tubers
Posted by , Sun Oct-22-00 04:52 AM
We're out there and it's the same old thing. About 1 legal halibut for every 10 and the occasional white seabass. The swell seems to shut the fish down more than the decreasing water temp.
1018, RE: Where are the Float Tubers
Posted by brian, Mon Oct-23-00 06:41 AM
I don't know about the other guys, but I fish for bass when the ocean gets too cold. One of the advantages of being into both bass and saltwater I guess. Pete did some damage in the harbor the other night, got a leagal wsb and a legal halibut in the same day so that was cool. I haven't float tubed the ocean in quite a while, maybe I'll go tomorrrow. The fish are definitely still there, I've just been fishin at that damn trailer park for bass too much.