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Topic subjectSome stuff
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4103, Some stuff
Posted by swimbait, Mon Feb-23-04 07:58 PM
Just some random stuff to check out...

Fishin Gloves: A long time ago I bought a pair of neoprene gloves thinking it would be nifty to keep my hands warm. Seemed like they only made my hands colder, so I gave up on gloves for about 10 years. Well a few months ago I picked up a pair of these blue fever gloves. I was skeptical, I really was. Well, the first trip I wore them I noticed that after a while I forgot I had them on at all, and my hands were much warmer than normal. Since then I've been wearing them all the time, and it's a good thing because every dang trip lately I've been getting rained on x( If you're a sissy like me in the cold, I highly recommend these gloves. Not sponsored etc etc.

Heavy Rods, Light Rods: I've been demo-ing a few rods lately, and it's been an interesting experience. What I'm noticing is that my custom Rainshadows are kind of heavy compared to a lot of stock stuff. But what I'm also noticing is that I don't like the feel on some of these really light rods. It's like the rod is so light that when you get bit, it yanks the rod down too easy. Does that make sense? With my Rainshadows and my Calstar 800L and the hypalon grips tucked up under my arm, a fish hits me and my rod doesn't move hardly at all. I just lay into them. Some of these super light rods just don't have that muscle, even though the action may be just as stiff. Interesting thing to consider if you're checking out rods.

Mega Strike Scent: I got a sample of this stuff a couple 2 months ago and when it came in the mail I was like wha?? this small tube? Well it's interesting because this stuff stays on your swimbait so long, you only wind up putting it on 3 or 4 times in a day if that and you barely have to use any of it. And a couple of experiences I've had lately have really demonstrated that this stuff gets your bait bit. I don't like that you have to get it on your fingers to get it on the bait, but other than that, it's replacing Hot Sauce in my box.

Florocarbon/Triple Fish: A while back I was going off on how much I liked floro. Well, I'm gonna have to eat a few of my words on that one but not all of them. What I'm starting to believe is that evne though everyone goes off in articles about how 'invisible' florocarbon is, I don't really buy it! I put triple fish camo in the water and I tie my bait to the green section of the line and I'm sorry but I can see floro better than I can see triple fish any day, any condition. So even though I lose feel and have to respool more often, I'm going back to triple fish on a lot of my reels because getting bit is a trump card that you can't ignore in the face of any other factors. That's the same reason I won't fish straight braid. I lose all my confidence when I look at braid under water.

Foods for thoughts. After this rain lets off and we get another warm spell, everyone is going to be back on the water. Too bad y'all missed the best bite already while there was no one on the lakes :D And thank goodness for the Cabelas guidewear Mrs. Swimbait got me for my birthday. It sure has been yukky out there.
4104, RE: Some stuff
Posted by Josh D, Mon Feb-23-04 08:30 PM
Man Rob, you and I must have E.S.P.

I too have been thinking about light/heavy action rods and the differences between them. I fished a G-Loomis 933C for 2 years or so now and it's a pretty heavy rod. I just bought a G-Loomis 932C rod that is a little lighter and a more forgiving tip. I kinda know what you mean by slammin the fish when your bit on the heavier rods. The lighter rods don't allow you to stick them as hard, but are more forgiving during the battle.

I also have been debating Flurocarbon vs. Camoscent. The camo seems to disapear in the water way better. BTW where do you purchase the Triplefish camoscent? I couldn't find on the web. Thanks!

Josh D
4105, RE: Some stuff
Posted by swimbait, Mon Feb-23-04 10:53 PM
Cabelas - $6.99 a spool, good price. The one they are selling isn't the good one though, it's the more brightly colored one. There are two variations of the camo, and I always try to get the muted color one if I can. Seems like I never meet anyone that uses triple fish. The Thigpin bro's use it and a guy named Dennis in the SB Bass club, that's about all the people I ever met who fish it. Never understood why people don't use it. Maybe it's all about marketing in fishing line or something. To me it's about getting bit and not breaking off.

4118, RE: Some stuff
Posted by SJ, Tue Feb-24-04 03:54 PM

I checked out the TripleFish web site and saw that they sell two brands of "camo." Camo and Camo-Escent.

The site says this about the original camo:

The original "camo" line.
Known throughout the world as the original "camo" line, Triple Fish offers this premium perlon line that disappears into the natural underwater environment. The Perlon difference: unlike nylon, which is weakened by being stretched, perlon monofilament restores itself to near full-strength after being stretched to the limit.


By taking the camo concept one step further, we integrate fluorescent strips into the camo pattern.
The result is a line that blends into the underwater environment, while fluorescent strips provide anglers a more visible means of detecting strikes above water!

Which one do you use?

If anyone is interested - here's their web site: http://www.triplefish.net/
4119, RE: Some stuff
Posted by swimbait, Tue Feb-24-04 04:21 PM
Original camo is what I use when I can get it. Who needs flourescent strips lol. Not the fish!
4139, RE: Some stuff
Posted by Josh D, Wed Feb-25-04 09:17 PM
Thanks Rob for the info.

Josh D
4140, RE: Some stuff
Posted by swimbait, Wed Feb-25-04 10:56 PM
You might also call Bass World West. I got some spools from them a while back. 866-587-8422
4145, RE: Some stuff
Posted by Chris, Thu Feb-26-04 09:59 PM
I've got it on one of my crankbait rods. Need to buy more though. It's great stuff.
4120, RE: Some stuff
Posted by salmonoid 1, Tue Feb-24-04 05:30 PM
Very interesting thoughts, Rob. I wonder about the visibility issue about fluorocarbon line. The issue is the visibility of the line within one medium, the water (visibility to the fish), which maybe is not the same as the visibility of the line from the medium of air when the line is in the medium of water (visibility to the angler). Supposedly pure fluoro has a refractive index that is closest to the refractive index of water compared to any other line. Too bad lines do not come labeled with their refractive index so we can compare lines. Just a thought; maybe I am "all wet" on this one. Besides, there is always the angler's confidence factor to consider.

4141, RE: Some stuff
Posted by Team Striper, Thu Feb-26-04 10:17 AM
Thanks for stirring up the brain cells!
I remember back in the early 90's at Castaic when we were sticking 10-15lb LMB on a regular basis, mostly on live crawdads or shad the Triple Fish was very popular with the "locals" and guides. I haven't fished it in years but I think it may be time to pick up a couple of spools.

I know the scents work but am just not very diligent about using them, need to fix that. Especially when your working so hard for a couple of strikes (at best), a follower can be very painful. Just knowing a little stink could have made the difference does haunt me.

Couldn't agree with you more about the Blue Fever Gloves! I had also given up on taking gloves fishing until we took the first prototypes up to Morro Bay in the cold slop chasing albacore. I don't go fishing without them anymore, awesome for pulling anchor/lobster rope, lipping big calico's & cleaning fish.
Very happy to be affiliated!

4142, RE: Some stuff
Posted by woodsac, Thu Feb-26-04 10:30 AM
Are you guys using the 'Utility' glove? I've looked at the bluefever gloves before but never had any feedback on them.


Insidesportfishing.com has them for $19.99 also
4149, RE: Some stuff
Posted by Team Striper, Fri Feb-27-04 10:14 AM
I use the shortpumps most often, really makes a difference when your palming a frozen Calcutta all day. On those extremely cold mornings/days I use a pair of utility gloves that I cut the tip off the thumb & forefinger. Can still tie knots & cast without backlashing but keep plenty warm.
