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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectRockcod / Lingcod
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=1139
1139, Rockcod / Lingcod
Posted by , Tue Nov-28-00 11:28 AM
Is the season open for Lings and Rock fish?
1140, RE: Rockcod / Lingcod
Posted by brian, Tue Nov-28-00 12:19 PM
I don't know about your area, but down here there's currently a full closure on ling cod, but rockfish are still aight. I think they've done some major restrictions or closures on your cow cod up there. If not, there will be soon.
1141, RE: Rockcod / Lingcod
Posted by , Tue Nov-28-00 12:22 PM
The season for rockfish is still open as far as I know. The season for lingcod is definitely CLOSED. No lingcod may be taken right now.
Check out
They have more info at the very bottom of the file on the specific rockfish regs. Somewhat complicated this year because of special regs on boccacio, canaries, and cow cod.
1142, RE: Rockcod / Lingcod
Posted by , Tue Nov-28-00 01:09 PM
Hum bug. What’s a good fish running now that could be caught from a tube? I'm thinking of going out to the Big Salty.
1143, RE: Rockcod / Lingcod
Posted by Frank, Tue Nov-28-00 01:21 PM
Both calico bass and sometimes halibut bite in the fall inshore. You'll have to monitor the swell though if you want to head out at unprotected places though because of the often larger fall waves. Harbors are always safe and calm bet, but I often head out through the waves to get to less fished water. I usually don't mind the waves at all:
1144, RE: Rockcod / Lingcod
Posted by , Tue Nov-28-00 01:31 PM
Ha ha ha
that's a good one. Going over the rock barrier at middle river on a high tide is kind of fun in a tube too.
1145, RE: Rockcod / Lingcod
Posted by , Tue Nov-28-00 01:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-00 AT 04:48 PM (PST)

Hey rob how do I go about and place a image into a post?

1146, RE: Rockcod / Lingcod
Posted by , Tue Nov-28-00 02:15 PM
Ahhh grasshopper very simple....

Click post.

Look up at the red writing.

click where it says "File Upload Enabled Click here to upload your file "

Pick what type of file you are uploading (jpeg, gif, html etc)

Click browse to browse on your local system for the picture. Here you have to use a little smarts and look at the bottom where it says "files of type". Change this to All Files (*.*)
Find your file and select it. Click Open. This takes you back to the window you were just in. Click "Upload File!"

You will get another window saying something like
File was successfully uploaded to remote server. The URL of this file is:

Highlight that link and right click -> copy.

Go back to the orginal window where you were going to post the message and paste that link in


The link will turn into the image when the message is posted.

Ok I guess that wasn't so simple, no wonder you asked. I do it a different way where I ftp the file directly to my site but from outside you have to follow the procedure above. Hopefully that helps.


1147, RE: Rockcod / Lingcod
Posted by brian, Tue Nov-28-00 07:10 PM
Halibut in the Santa Barbara Harbor Joey!!!! Only problem is you gotta come down here, har har. If you are plannin to make a trip down here someday, shoot for late spring, early summer. That's when the white seabass start to show. All through the summer is good too. There's nothin like bein pulled 4 feet forward on the hookset, then slowly bein dragged across the water as you watch your spool get smaller and smaller (zzzzziiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggg). Then there's the chase... You'll love it.
1148, RE: Rockcod / Lingcod
Posted by , Wed Nov-29-00 06:01 AM
Then of course there's always salmon. My son caught one this past weekend float tubing around the bait dock in Santa Barbara. And I've heard that one or two more have been caught in the same area lately. Hopefully that means a good season awaits us this year.
-Dr. Bob
1149, RE: Rockcod / Lingcod
Posted by , Wed Nov-29-00 10:04 AM

I was there this weekend fishing halibut (got a couple shorts). Those kids were so excited they could hardly contain themselves. I thought for sure they had a white seabass. My friend Mike caught a 20 inch salmon about a week ago and another friend (Rich) has caught 2 (26 and 28 inches) recently. All three were caught on lures.

The salmon have light colored mouths which leads me to think they are Cohos and not Kings (Chinook). If they are Cohos they are not legal to keep any time of the year (according to the DFG regs). They still look like a lot of fun - I hope I get one.

It didn't look like they measured it or anything as Woody kept telling them to release it quickly and they had to scramble for their pliers. Did he tell you how big he thought it was? Looked about 26 - 28 inches, 8 - 10 lbs. from where I was.


You can't catch tomorrow what you kill today - please practice catch and release.
1150, RE: Rockcod / Lingcod
Posted by , Thu Nov-30-00 10:06 AM
If it has white gums it is either a coho or a stealhead. A guy who came walking up the beach said he thought it weighed about 15 lbs. If you thought he was excited catching that fish you should have seen him a few years ago when he got his first albacore. He was 10 and the fish went about 35 lbs. We got into a huge area of fish and I was able to get them to charge the boat by chumming. He grabed a bait rod, pinned on a sardine and got picked up almost instantly. He was on that fish for more than 1/2 an hour. The only time I helped him was when the fish ran from one side of the boat to the other and I would take the rod and pass it over the outboards and give it back to him. After landing that fish he was burnt and went below to rest. Ten minutes later I saw him pop back up, grab another rod and repeat the whole process again. I think he got at least 4 fish that day. Actually he gets pretty excited with any fish. Just like his dad :-)
-Dr. Bob
1151, RE: Rockcod / Lingcod
Posted by , Tue Jan-09-01 06:37 AM
Where can I view pictures of legal sized Ling Cod?

1152, RE: Rockcod / Lingcod
Posted by , Tue Jan-09-01 01:44 PM
Just so no readers are confused, this is an old posting.

There is in fact a moratorium on ling cod fishing as well as a ban on catching rockfish south of Lopez Point, Monterey for the months of January and Febuary.

You can check out the Department of fish and game regulations online at:


1153, RE: Rockcod / Lingcod
Posted by , Wed Jan-10-01 06:25 AM
Sorry Mr Tree-
I was trying to find more information on the size limit of the Ling. Thanks for the useful rockfish tip brother man,

kid cloud kicker