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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectMarco's tournaments
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=1543
1543, Marco's tournaments
Posted by brian, Thu Mar-01-01 06:29 PM
Hey guys, I've been thinking about the calico bass/kayak situation. A problem arises in that kayakers can't really have livewells aboard, or hanging in the water for that matter, in order to keep calico bass alive for a live release at the end of the day. Quite frankly, I don't want to participate in a slaughter of a bunch of bass, so a solution needs to be made. Unless somebody can think of something that I've overlooked, I don't see any way that a kayaker can keep 5 calico bass alive for 6 hours or whatever. Stringer leads to holes in fish which leads to infection, etc. Floating livewells impares the kayakers' ability to paddle, out of water livewells lead to kayakers paddling a little lower in the water column than desirable. So, my idea is this- I would take the skiff and load it with tubs and the bait tank, and run around and collect people's bass. I'd mark em with culling floats or whatever, for each angler, and put the fish in a "holding tank" until the end of the day. Depending on where the tournament is to be held, we'd have to plan how far in advance I should leave the launch ramp so that I get to the tournament site on time. Once I get there, the kayakers/tubers/small crafters can go for it. Maybe if a few people bring cell phones or radios or whatever, they could call the skiff over, and I'd come pick up fish. If nobody's hollerin at me, I'd just make the rounds and check on people, in case they don't have a phone or whatever. Most of the anglers, I'd imagine, would be fishing in groups anyway, so if somebody nearby has a phone, that'll work. Whaddya think? I know it sounds like a lot of trouble to go through to keep some slimy green buggers alive, but I don't want to see 20 limits taken off of carp reef, or leadbetter, or goleta etc. The one problem I can see with this is culling. What we may do is, once the fish is handed to the skiff, it will be measured, exactly. The angler will record the length (or remember it) and then he can measure any additional fish he catches, and know what to cull and what to throw back. Then we have another option- mandatory release, and penalty for dead fish (that gets my vote), or individual angler decision (which will undoubtedly lead to more dead fish as they'll not even want to bother calling the skiff over even if they were avid C&Rers). If nobody can come up with a better idea, this seems pretty logical to me. I'm totally willing to run the boat around, don't worry about me not fishing (I'd take your money anyway, :-))
1544, RE: Marco's tournaments
Posted by Wade, Thu Mar-01-01 07:53 PM
How about this? You can be in the skiff with a GOOD QUALITY digital scale that preferably measures to atleast the nearest ounce. Let each angler weigh up to 10 to allow for culling and base the winnings off each persons top 5. A dead fish will only be worth 1/2 its weight and will automatically be 1 of the 5 for final weight. That should provide for some incentive to keep them alive. Furthermore have each angler have to stay within 2 casts of a pre-chosen cell phone carrier for safety and to make sure the catch gets weighed and released in a timely manner.
Think about it.

Tight lines,
1545, RE: Marco's tournaments
Posted by brian, Thu Mar-01-01 08:12 PM
I LIKE IT!!!! Thanks for the input. Maybe instead of limiting the range of yakers (2 casting distances to somebody with a phone) we just let em on their own. If they want to go 2 miles away from somebody with a phone and kill fish, they take the penalty. I'd hate for somebody to have that attitude, and kill those fish though. We'll figure something out. I'd hate to limtit people's range, but if that's what we have to do, that's what we have to do. I do like your 10 fish "temporary limit" deal. ooooo I just thought of a problem- DFG probably won't like me driving around with 30 calico bass in my boat. I wonder if I could talk to them and see if they'd allow it for conservation purposes. Maybe I could get a permit or something. I'm sure they'd understand as it's for the best interest of the fishery (but, you never know...). We'll see. I'll try to talk to em as soon as I can and see what's up. If that doesn't work out, I don't know what we'll do. Something kinda crude, that probably isn't much better, would be to set up some floating livewells, anchor them to the bottom, mark it on the gps (and have it in an easily findable location, maybe with a flag or something) and then once I get 10 fish on the skiff, go dump em in the "pens" and shuttle em to shore 10 at a time. I think the regs say you can't have more than 10 fish in your possession, right, so I wonder if there's anything about penning fish up. I'm sure there must be. We'll see.
1546, RE: Marco's tournaments
Posted by , Fri Mar-02-01 03:38 AM
Good Idea, I think they did something like that at the Mission Bay Bass Tourney. The only difference in that tourney is they had a boat that came around and took the fish and the angler's name and weighed and released it on the water. Maybe you could just do that if the DFG wont let you take them to the check-in.
My .02
Tom Cod
1547, RE: Marco's tournaments
Posted by brian, Fri Mar-02-01 04:20 AM
Thanks, I hadn't thought of that. That's a really good idea. So, if plan #1 doesn't work out, that sounds like the way to go.
1548, RE: Marco's tournaments
Posted by , Fri Mar-02-01 08:20 AM
Hey, i like the idea of the digital scale on the boat, but what i think you do is release the fish once you weighed it in, and then write down the weight of the fish. Just have a clip board or something with each persons name on it, and then they can weigh in fish and if the fish is bigger than one of the five that you have recorded then you cross out the lowest weight and add the new weight in and then release the Calico(big run on sentence there!). That way you dont have to worry about having a bunch of fish to deal with and you can cull a little bit easily. It may not have an "exciting" weigh in but at the end of the tourney you could anounce the winning weights and that would be the end of it. One of the good things about doing the tourney this way is then you dont have fish sitting in livewells, or in tubs on a boat, the fish are caught and released in a matter of minutes. This helps insure the survival rate of every fish caught. Well, there's my $ .02 worth.

The infamous #2
1549, RE: Marco's tournaments
Posted by Dan, Fri Mar-02-01 09:02 AM
I like the way you think Brian#2. This sounds like the best idea yet. Brian#1, I will help out on the boat if you think it will be easier with two people(and i have a cell phone).
1550, RE: Marco's tournaments
Posted by brian, Fri Mar-02-01 09:19 AM
I think that's the way it's leanin. Sounds good to me.
1551, RE: Marco's tournaments
Posted by Wade, Fri Mar-02-01 01:53 PM
Added Bonus: If fish are released after an immediate wiegh in they might be caught again in the same tourney. I doubt it but, stranger things have happened.
Also two guys in the weigh boat would stop any arguments about whose fish weighed what.
Just my 2 cents.

Tight lines,

1552, RE: Marco's tournaments
Posted by brian, Fri Mar-02-01 07:04 PM
Good point about the 2 guys in the boat. I was planning on just clearing it with the angler before I marked it, but 2 guys in the boat is a good idea since he'll have a better view of the scale.
1553, RE: Marco's tournaments
Posted by , Fri Mar-02-01 05:50 PM
Hey Brian! I might be able to help you guys with this thing,I would be willing to help with the weigh in thing with my boat as well, give me a call Ive got an idea....Larry

p.s. e-mail me if you lost my phone number
1554, RE: Marco's tournaments
Posted by , Mon Mar-05-01 10:06 AM
Hey Guys,

Thanks for all the interest in this. I do look forward to finding a way to have a C&R tournament in the future, but as it is, it is getting too way too complicated. I have posted how the tournament will run in another post. This is not a Calfishing event, but open to all. I understand that some are unhappy with the way it is run. My answer is, I will listen to any ideas, but if you don't like the way I want to run it, spend the time, effort and money to promote and put on your own tournament.

This is in no way a slam or flame of anyone, I want to make this clear. I have voiced my opinions on the boards in another post. You can find them there.

I hope that you will all show up. I am working on gettting a bunch of extra kayaks there for those who don't have them. The ulitmate goal is for me to get a bunch of you out on the water, to have fun, and maybe catch some fish.

I am not getting paid for this, but enjoy helping others get on the water, catching fish. I don't want to make a bigger deal out of this than needs to be made.

Hope to see you all there!

Marco Farrell AKA MoonDoggie
1555, RE: Marco's tournaments
Posted by , Wed Mar-07-01 06:59 PM
Hi Brian. I read you purchased a skiff. congradulations. Now you hAVE hole in the water into which you can pour all your money. LOL LOL LOL I speak from experience as a former owner of both salt and fresh water varity of boats. It is great fun and you will be able to get in a lot of superior fishing.

I live in Phoenix and once in a while I come to the Santa Barbara area. I would be glad to pay you rather than a "Head boat" for a day of fishing. In addition to that I think you could show me some new tricks.

Let me know if that sounds good to you. Remember CASH in the hand pays for a lot of gasoline. LOL LOL


George J Humrich
Phoenix Arizona
1556, RE: Marco's tournaments
Posted by brian, Wed Mar-07-01 07:27 PM
You've got mail :-)
1557, RE: Marco's tournaments
Posted by , Fri Mar-09-01 07:42 AM
As a kayaker, I just wanted to mention that many (most?) kayak fishermen do have 5-8 gallon livewells on their boats for bait and they're plenty big to store a few bass during the day. What I do when I fish CnR tourneys from my kayak is store the fish in a mesh bag hanging over the side while I'm fishing then put the bag with the fish in it in the livewell while I paddle. I have yet to kill a fish doing this for even a few hours.
