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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectPainful Dana Point report
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=20
20, Painful Dana Point report
Posted by fongster, Wed Jul-14-99 10:30 AM
Fished tuesday evening with partner Yutaka for some bass. Started off with pretty mellow seas--calm, warm...Picked a few bass out of 70 ft. Moved into the boilers but nothing wanting to bite. Ran north of Salt Creek for nothing in shallow until...I was halfway thru a straight retrieve when I got bit on a 5" green grunion Fishtrap, I wound into the fish which felt like a good one. Suddenly, I'm bent real good, straight up and down in 17' over sand and scattered stones. This thing was solid and had me pinned, couldn't move it. Well, I thought it had rocked me or I had the bottom until it decided to move and it did---pulled line on a drag that was BUTTONED DOWN. Tried to follow it on the troll motor but too late--pop, zing, see ya, good bye---heartbreak... we figured it had to be a big WSB from how it fought--this wasn't a double digit calico.<BR>Weight? can't say. I've caught a 15# yellow and a 20# YFT on this outfit and I could move those fish. It's a Loomis 905 with 16# triplefish. Don't know if it rocked me as the line was a clean break, not frayed. Other than that, it was a glass calm evening with only a few bass caught and released, just nice for a midweek foray. <P>farmster, er... fongster