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Topic subjectbody found at shadow cliffs
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=10149
10149, body found at shadow cliffs
Posted by swampy, Thu Aug-15-02 04:09 AM
It looks like a couple of tubers found a stiff in the back lakes of shadow cliffs on sunday or monday.Yikes, thats not what I'd call a good catch!I haven't heard if it was foul play or not,either way that gives me the heeby geebies.I onder if it was anyone from that impromtu tournament that was supposed to happen there.If I hear more I'll keep ya posted,swampy(still alive and kickin')
10150, RE: body found at shadow cliffs
Posted by mteman, Thu Aug-15-02 04:17 AM
I read in yesterdays paper they ID'd the body. It was a guy from Hayward who had recently been released from Santa Rita Jail. The body was found in the island pond. Foul play had not been ruled out.
10151, RE: body found at shadow cliffs
Posted by FIT, Thu Aug-15-02 04:53 AM
Which is the Island Pond?

10152, RE: body found at shadow cliffs
Posted by mteman, Thu Aug-15-02 07:14 AM
It's the one farthest to the SE (looking left from the levee).
10153, RE: body found at shadow cliffs
Posted by Lake, Thu Aug-15-02 07:27 AM
the one with the island har,har DH
10154, RE: body found at shadow cliffs
Posted by FIT, Thu Aug-15-02 07:29 AM
Thanks Lake that really clears it up. DH!!!!!!!

10155, LMAO!!! (NM)
Posted by Lake, Thu Aug-15-02 07:48 AM
10156, RE: body found at shadow cliffs
Posted by Lake, Thu Aug-15-02 04:30 AM
yuk...I wonder who found him?
10157, It wasn't me!
Posted by Samurai TI, Thu Aug-15-02 04:35 AM
Thank goodness. Don't want to find a stiff again!

10158, RE: It wasn't me!
Posted by Lake, Thu Aug-15-02 05:30 AM
I was remembering that when I saw this post. I was crazy to read someone here found a body it would be even crazier if someone else did. I know Derek tubes there all the time.
10159, RE: It wasn't me!
Posted by , Thu Aug-15-02 05:41 AM
On Monday I ran into the two tubers in the Arroyo Pond. They told me they found the body floating next to the bank on the Vineyard side of the Island. It was face down, they called the police and ended up staying til 11 pm that night.

The crankbait bite in the pond has been pretty good during the last hour of daylight.
10160, RE: It wasn't me!
Posted by Lake, Thu Aug-15-02 06:01 AM
I bet the crank bite has been good with that kind of nasty shoreline cover...har,har
10161, RE: body found at shadow cliffs
Posted by IFISH, Thu Aug-15-02 06:20 AM
IFISH say's,

man, i can't beleive something like this has happened ! could you imagine tossing a crankbait and snagging him !!! i'd start trippin out and probably have to sit down from the shock! i feel sorry for the family members and the people who found him. it can't be easy discovering someone who's passed on. i just hope there isn't some friggin' physco runnin' around out there endangering peoples lives. hopefully, it's just a monster BASS that's seeking revenge on the fisherman who attempt to catch him and his signifigant others !!! be careful all, be careful.

10162, RE: body found at shadow cliffs
Posted by , Thu Aug-15-02 06:54 AM
You never can be too careful. If it was a homicide, I bet he was killed somewhere else and dumped there late at night. Of course you wouldn't want to be there when the crooks were there.

The park staff at Shadow Cliffs has been telling me that the water supply has been diverted and the Arroyo Pond may dry up completely. The priority is to keep the main lake filled. They will net and move the fish to the main lake if the Arroyo Pond gets dangerously low. They're gonna try to keep the Island Pond alive, but it may drop to a very low level. It's a shame, those are my favorite East Bay ponds.
10163, RE: body found at shadow cliffs
Posted by mteman, Thu Aug-15-02 07:12 AM
Are they diverting the water from the arroyos to the front pond? Or are they starting to divert water to the new lakes/park planned in Livermore between Hwy. 84 and Isabel Ave.? It would be a real shame if they let the back ponds dry up! The creek that feeds the back ponds has been running pretty good this summer too.
10164, RE: shadow cliffs water supply
Posted by , Thu Aug-15-02 07:38 AM
I've heard several different versions from a few of the park workers, here is a summary:

The water at Shadow Cliffs has always belonged to District 7 (Santa Clara Co?). District 7 has decided to stop supplying Shadow Cliffs in order to meet the rising demand from residential growth. The main lake will be kept as full as possible and the water from the Arroyo Pond will be pumped over if necessary. The park will do what they can to keep water in the Island Pond, although it may not be much.

The person at the kiosk gave me the contact information for the East Bay Regional Park Dist supervisor in charge of Shadow Cliffs. I'll post more info if I learn anything new or if there is anything we can do.

10165, RE: District 7
Posted by mteman, Thu Aug-15-02 09:16 AM
I have a friend who works for District 7, I'll try to see what info I can get from him.
10166, RE: body found at shadow cliffs
Posted by Lake, Thu Aug-15-02 07:26 AM
Do you know what there reason for letting them dry up? They are creek fed and dont require any pumping or maintenece (sp)
10167, RE: body found at shadow cliffs
Posted by , Thu Aug-15-02 07:27 AM
I was tubing the island pond Saturday am....was all over the pond and didn't see him. Can't say I would've wanted to. Fortunately I was using my shallow diving crankbaits....

Maybe that's why the bite was slow...
10168, RE: body found at shadow cliffs
Posted by , Thu Aug-15-02 07:41 AM

I just spoke with Shelly Miller (925) 846-4899, one of the supervisors at Shadow Cliffs. What it boils down to is that Santa Clara county owns a share of the Zone 7 drinking water and they are claiming their share of the water due to the population growth in Santa Clara county.

She expects that the deeper ponds such as the Island Pond and Arroyo Pond to remain, but at a lower water levels. She couldn't tell me how much lower as she doesn't regulate the water :-). She did expect the shallower ponds to dry up.

Not the greatest of news, but better than losing the Arroyo all together.

10169, That is bad news!!!
Posted by Lake, Thu Aug-15-02 07:47 AM
If they drop the lakes to much all the cover will be gone and the bait wont be able to hide. Doing that will kill the food chain as well as starving the bass after they eat all the bait. Before you know it will we will be catching 20" 3lb'rs I have seen it and feel we are going to watch it happen here. We need to try and figuer a legal way to get some deep water wood in there if we want to protect this fishery.
10170, RE: body found at shadow cliffs
Posted by Lake, Thu Aug-15-02 07:43 AM
A bass that looked a lot like this probally.

Got this from NCBF.com check the link
