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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectSpanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=13626
13626, Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by Lake, Tue Mar-11-03 10:23 AM
I dont like to go off on the places that we hold our events but I am so ticked right now that I will. 1st let me say this will be the last event I ever fish at Spanish Flat. I will never give them another dime.

I have had enough with Spanish Flat they make all there money in the summer months off the skiers and partiers. They have ZERO respect or concerns for fisherman and will not support us in anyway. Thats why they charge such crazy rates. Did you all know that even if you have a cabin or yurt they only allow 1 vehicle per, so anyone staying with you will have to dish out an additional $24 per day.So if I shared a cabin with someone it would cost roughly 100 a head for the 2 of us if we drove up separate. 100 each for a shack with no nothing in it but a bed, HELL NO! If I were to go the cheapest way with some cover over my head It would be in a yurt. Paul and I were going to stay in a yurt but we would still have to pay the additional $24 each a day + our share of the yurt...this is B.S. The campground's are pretty much going to be slow and they would rather us cancel then give us a deal on staying there. Not me, Paul and I booked a room just across the way at Steele Park Resort for $65 a night. Nice hot shower a T.V comfortable beds as well as a general store and a BBQ open till 5:30 and + I am not giving a penny to Spanish Flat. if anyone wants to join us there # is 707-966-2123.

Thanks for letting me vent.


13627, RE: My Spanish Flats .02 cents
Posted by , Tue Mar-11-03 11:16 AM
Yea this is sure BS for the resort not to
consider the season and support of us fishermen.

Considering everything, war, gas, economy, ECT…
Someone over there is not sensibility smart or considerate in today’s times.

I’m with you Johnny, Screw them, and Let it be known!

All is good As long as dues are not held on the
reservations or something stupid.

13628, RE: My Spanish Flats .02 cents
Posted by Lake, Tue Mar-11-03 11:22 AM
Paul was able to cancel is site today, so it shouldnt be a problem. Hell if we get enough people to want to move we can just go out of Steele part. They have a 4-5 lane ramp that doenst even get used and there is a lot of good water there. Either way screw Spanish!
13629, RE: My Spanish Flats .02 cents
Posted by IFISH, Tue Mar-11-03 11:28 AM

IFISH say's,

Well, i'm kinda glad now that i am not going. I'll miss the good time with you guy's, but $100 bucks a head ?!?!? INSANE ! And the way you described only what it is, what a joke. I've never been there, so i can't really trash them. But the prices don't lie. Good for you John, Paul ! Give the $cash$ to someone who knows what customer service is.

13630, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by , Tue Mar-11-03 11:59 AM
Spoke to the Office Manager of the name Shelia.
Pricing for the motel rooms are $65.00 per night for two people
$10.00 per additional person.
EXAMPLE: 4 people $85.00 a night.
Divided costs for 4heads ~ $23.dollars a night per person.
Your not charged for additional vehicles

They will only accept reservations on two nights.

13631, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by FIT, Tue Mar-11-03 12:13 PM
I also like the point that they have a guard at the gate 24 hours a day.

13632, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by CATCHEM_CARO, Tue Mar-11-03 12:16 PM
WOW, Im not able to join you guys do to my 2nd federation tourney this weekend, but I would have to agree with you John, those people don't have a clue. Go up there and have a great time, and I'll be joining you guys at one of your tourneys, forsure the U.S. Open at Clear.

13633, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by big_worm, Tue Mar-11-03 12:49 PM
Ouch, thanks for the heads up. Dave (Swampy) I booked a room at Steele Park, if you want to cancel the other that would be best for me...any money we can save would help. We can still share this room as well as anyone else who wants in. Dave let me know when you can that cancelling the other place went alright. Thanks

-- Josh
13642, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by swampy, Tue Mar-11-03 02:40 PM
john,I just cancelled the cabin and clint is doing it also.Joe at spanish flat said if we let them know in advance about a tourney there,they would work with us and give us a deal.I will be sharing a room with Josh.
Josh If I get there early(10.00 am or so)can you let them know that I will be checking in with out you.I;ll call tonite to figure this all out.

13643, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by big_worm, Tue Mar-11-03 02:45 PM
No problem, I will give them a call and let them know.
-- Josh
13634, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by , Tue Mar-11-03 12:59 PM

I'm a bit unclear on this - if three of us show up to stay in one cabin with one vehicle it is $75/night for all three, right? Not $75/person.


13635, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by Lake, Tue Mar-11-03 01:19 PM
Correct 75 a night w/ 1 vehicle. If you stay at Steele park 3 people 1 car or 2 cars its the same 75 a night. With a shower and a real room.
13638, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by , Tue Mar-11-03 02:13 PM
I think I'm just going stay in the cabin. If I recall correctly there is a cancellation fee and they have already charged my card.
13640, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by Lake, Tue Mar-11-03 02:16 PM
Call me please 408-316-6692
13644, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by FIT, Tue Mar-11-03 02:52 PM
Clint, I just my paper work from them and if you cancel 72 hours (3 days) before arrival there is a 100% refund

13641, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by Fishcat, Tue Mar-11-03 02:22 PM
Just cancelled at Spanish Flat, no problem, and reserved at Steele Park. Mitch and I will be there. There should be some floor space for two more if anyones interested.
13645, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by , Tue Mar-11-03 02:58 PM

I just got off the phone with Swampy. I cancelled my reservation at Spanish Flats and have booked a room at Steele Park however I've got something to say about this:

First, you know I respect you and hold you in very high regard (and not just as a fisherman.) I understand you are chapped with Spanish Flats not cutting us a break and not being considerate of fishermen in general. I think however campaigning for everyone to switch four days before our tournament isn't a very good idea. AFAIK Spanish Flats has not changed their policy regarding camping charges since we started fishing out of there. Like a lot of people I have a job during the day which keeps me pretty busy. I've already changed this once from a campground to a cabin, trying to coordinate between three people, and now I've had to change it again. IMO we should not be changing the location of our tournaments this late. My life is crazy enough without last minute stuff like this.


13647, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by Lake, Tue Mar-11-03 03:27 PM
Thanks for the kind words Clint. It seems all is now over. I couldnt agree more that this last minute stuff just sucks, but I felt they were taking advantage of us and they could care less for our business. I have to admit and I believe most people would agree that we were unclear about the fact that they would only allow 1 vehicle per yurt or cabin then each additional vehicle would be $24 a night. I did know it was $24 a night for campsites and addtional vehicles would be $24 as well, we all knew that and did it in the past. I just couldnt believe that if I had 2 people 2 cars in a $75 a night cabin they would charge an additional $24, thats crazy.

Anyways this has drove me totally crazy today and I am so glad its all over with. Thanks Clint and everyone for the trouble I have caused all in all in the end we will have had a much better time hanging with friends catching fish with a shower and comfortable bed and not giving any $$$$ to the people at Spanish Flat Resort.

See ya all friday night...GO FISH!
13650, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by , Tue Mar-11-03 03:41 PM
I just cancelled without problem except for the $4 reservation fee (oh well). So now who still has room for me, Joey and Stktn Sammy? Or should I reserve another room? Joey call me on my cell. Do we want a room for three? That would be $50 each for the whole weekend, I think.

Lzydeus Pisceus
13652, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by , Tue Mar-11-03 03:58 PM
I got to tell you I'm looking forward to doing some FISHING! This job has really cut into my time on the water, not that I got out much before that.
13653, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by Gordon, Tue Mar-11-03 03:58 PM
I just sent this email to Spanish Flat titled "Lost Opportunity":

"Just thought you'd like to know that you just lost >$500 worth of camping/launch/day use fees due to your restrictive policy of charging per car to stay in a cabin (not to mention your exhorbitant launch fees and camping fees). A large group was set to fish out of your facility but changed at the last minute due to the cost penalty involved with multiple drivers sharing a cabin. By the way, with the weather forecast looking bleak, this was probably the only business you were going to get this weekend..."
13654, RE: Spanish Flats thoughts concerns..lil HEATED!
Posted by Lake, Tue Mar-11-03 04:06 PM
Please forward me a copy to bassntubes@yahoo.com and let me know of any replies or cc me if you get any info, thanks and good idea.