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Top Calfishing.com Freshwater Fishing in California topic #331
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Subject: "June 16,17,& 18 2000 Santa Margarita Lake" Previous topic | Next topic
RobSun Jun-18-00 04:42 PM
Charter member
#331, "June 16,17,& 18 2000 Santa Margarita Lake"


Well I graduated from Cal Poly last weekend, and this past week was my last week at work, so to celebrate I went fishing *duh*. Went up to Margarita on Friday at 1pm and fished until 8:30pm. After Mike Shaw and I had done so well the other day on the 9 inch slammers with the trout tails I decided to give the 12 inch slammer a try since I have one of those in the trout tail but no 9 inch yet. The long and the short of it is that I had 11 fish roll on the trout, caught 4 of them between 2 and 3 pounds, hooked and lost one that was probably a 4 pounder and all the rest either missed the bait or I missed them. It was pretty insane on the huge plug and I was bummed not to get at least one big fish, but it was fun. I met up with Brian Long around 5pm and he threw the 7" stocker and the buzzbait but to no avail. It seemed like they just really wanted the really big trout for some reason.
Saturday morning Biran and I woke up around 5:30am after the SB Bass club guys we were camping with had all taken off for their launch. We were on the water by 6am and Brian threw the buzzbait while I threw the trout. He had 2 blow ups early but the both missed the hook. After an hour or so I picked up a 2lber on the 7" slammer. The water temp was really really warm, around 80 degrees I would imagine. A short while later I threw across a point where I had missed a fish Friday and caught another 2lber on the 12 inch slammer. Since the point seemed fishy I did something I hadn't tried yet at Margarita and broke out the old dropshot rig. I told Brian if I didn't get one in 2 casts I was putting it away. Well second cast I caught another 2 pounder so I said aaaaalright, I'll use this thing a little. Well we kept working the banks and I went back to the trout again after a bit and around 9am I had a good fish come up and blow up on the 12 inch trout. I hooked the fish and got about 10 cranks on it before it came unbuttoned. That was frustrating. At 10 we went back to the point where I caught the dropshot fish earlier and I pulled 2 more fish off it on the dropshot. Brian was throwing the senko and had a couple bites but they weren't eating it for some reason. Working the next 2 adjacent points I picked up 2 more dropshot fish, another 2lb'er and a good one about 3lbs. Next stop was jackass canyon where I caught another decent dropshot fish about 2 and a half. There were a lot of guys in there so we started heading out when we ran into Pat from the bass club who said it had been tough but that he had a good one (later turned out to be a 6-3) in the well which he caught on a 9 inch ac minnow. Last stop was salsipuedes where it was tough although I had one fish do a flip over frogzilla but miss it completely. By 1pm we were beat and headed home.
Today (Sunday) Summer came up to San Luis so we went to the lake again for a couple hours. We stared around 2pm and were off at 5. We fished salsipuedes and right away I got a good one close to 4lbs on the drop shot. What was funny was that a few minutes later this guy goes by in a little boat and makes some comment about how we MUSt be fishing for crappie and blah blah blah to his wife. If only he had been there a few minutes earlier :-)
After that we went over to where I had the fish do a flip over my frog the day before and this time I caught her on frogzilla a solid 3 and a half. After that it was slow, we tried a few little spots on the way back to the marina and I caught one more small fish before hitting the road.

Here's the pictography in chronological order.

Friday - 12 inch slammer fish

Sunday - a beauty on the dropshot

Sunday - I finally got a frog fish this year

Say it ain't so, using the trout rod at Margarita


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