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Top Calfishing.com Freshwater Fishing in California topic #1306
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Subject: "Margarita cats results" Previous topic | Next topic
zacharooni (Guest)Sun May-06-01 09:01 AM
Charter member
#1306, "Margarita cats results"


Sorry it has taken me so long to post the results of our annual Margarita catfishin derby but as you can guess catfishin for 3 days can cause quite a hangover..... Basically we fished the entire lake pretty hard all 3 days day and night. Basically if you want to catch catfish GO TO THE NARROWS!! Only one fish was bagged outside the narrows between our whole group. It was near the the flat that extends out from the second boat launch area(a nice 7lber). But that was it!! All of our other hot spots that would normally produce at least a couple each year had nothin.. I was using no weight and a 2 hook setup one with mackerel and one with chovies. Never got a single hit on the chovie all weekend definitely mackerel is the ticket. Although the winner of our derby this year was using some kind of secret homemade bait. Of course he would not let anyone else use it or reveal its ingredients. The group would be night fishin in the narrows with 6 rods in the same general area and his secret bait would average 2 fish to 1 BETWEEN ALL THE OTHER 5 RODS. Quite inpressive but frustrating for the rest of us. Just goes to show you most of the time it is not that the fish arent there it is you are just not using the right damn bait. Final fish tally of the derby between 6 drunks..
16 cats(biggest 10.4lbs most around 4-5lb range)
6 largemouth(Biggest 3 lb most in 2lb range)
1 crappie(who cares)
4 rainbows(planters)

Best advise:
If fishing during the day for cats dont stay in the same spot for more than about 40 minutes without a bite. During the day they arent moving very much. But at night that is a TOTALLY different story find a good sandy shelf and they will be there.

Hope this helps and keep the reports coming as you can guess I will be researching these secret homemade stink baits.....



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