#2303, "Coral Sea 3/4 Day 6.12.16 " Sun Jun-12-16 05:12 PM by Stardust
6.12.16 Coral Sea 3/4 Day Island Trip Good afternoon folks we are slowly making our way back to the dock after a wonderful day of lingcod and rockfish fishing at Santa Rosa island. We changed things up a bit today and committed ourselves to fishing the deeps in search of the ever-elusive lingcod and we were lucky enough to come across a few that wanted to bite. In addition to the lings we also enjoyed steady fishing on nice reds and copper rockfish to add to our day. Our 26 anglers today captured 62 reds, 110 copper rockfish, 40 misc. rockfishes, and 78 lingcod. We caught quite a few 10-12 lb. lingcod today with fish up to ~17-18 lbs. Much thanks to an awesome group of anglers today we loved having you onboard the Coral Sea! The Coral Sea has 3/4 day trips scheduled Monday-Wednesday and the Stardust has 1/2 day trips scheduled Tuesday-Wednesday and 3/4 day trips scheduled on Thursday and Friday. Please call Sea Landing at 805-963-3564 or access our online webpage to make your reservations today!