6.26.16 Coral Sea 1/2 Day Trip Good afternoon folks we are slowly making our way back to beautiful Santa Barbara harbor after a relaxing day of half day fishing locally. In addition to a fair share of nice reds, we landed a few nice lings and a wide variety of other tasty rockfishes including browns, coppers, starries, flags, olives, and boccacio. All were nice sized specimens which yielded nice fillets for our passengers. Our 30 anglers today captured 88 reds, 157 misc. rockfishes, 2 ocean whitefish, and 3 lingcod. Awesome group today thanks for fishing aboard the Coral Sea! The Coral Sea is scheduled to run 3/4 day trips Monday-Wednesday and we have a very light load for tomorrow so far... The Stardust is running 1/2 day trips Monday-Wednesday so please call Sea Landing at 805-963-3564 or go to our webpage and make your reservations today!