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Buying a Boat Out of State - Part 3 [View all]
The final installment is below. I have a ton of photos to add so sit tight :) Accessorizi ng: Boating accessories are a weak spot of mine
swimbaitMar-27-15 09:27 AM
by swimbait
Replies to this topic:
RE: Buying a Boat Out of State - Part 3, fishtrax, Dec 08th 2009, #1
RE: Buying a Boat Out of State - Part 3, Lake, Dec 09th 2009, #2
RE: Buying a Boat Out of State - Part 3, Maximill15, Mar 25th 2015, #3
      RE: Buying a Boat Out of State - Part 3, swimbait, Mar 27th 2015, #4

Installing the Rigid bow mount spotlight for Fortrex [View all]
After fishing some of these Texas tournaments where you are allowed to go to your starting spot in the dark, then start fishing at the appointed time,
swimbaitNov-13-14 01:55 AM
by karenhenry04
Replies to this topic:
RE: Installing the Rigid bow mount spotlight for Fortre..., karenhenry04, Nov 10th 2014, #1
RE: Installing the Rigid bow mount spotlight for Fortre..., karenhenry04, Nov 13th 2014, #2

Boat upgrades & fixes [View all]
Winter time... Clear skies, lows in the 20's... yeah it's time to stay home and work on the boat. Today I started on: - Adding 2D through-hull tra
swimbaitMar-05-13 08:21 PM
by lugnut
Replies to this topic:
RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, swimbait, Jan 02nd 2013, #1
RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, Sacto John, Jan 04th 2013, #2
RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, swimbait, Jan 04th 2013, #3
      RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, Sacto John, Jan 04th 2013, #4
      RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, swimbait, Jan 04th 2013, #5
           RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, Sacto John, Jan 04th 2013, #6
                RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, swampy, Jan 23rd 2013, #7
                     RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, Sacto John, Jan 24th 2013, #8
                          RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, swampy, Jan 24th 2013, #9
                          RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, swimbait, Jan 25th 2013, #10
                          RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, swimbait, Jan 25th 2013, #11
                          RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, lugnut, Mar 04th 2013, #15
                               RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, Sacto John, Mar 05th 2013, #16
                                    RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, lugnut, Mar 05th 2013, #18
      RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, Lake, Mar 05th 2013, #17
RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, Bassin, Jan 29th 2013, #12
      RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, DBass, Feb 08th 2013, #13
           RE: Boat upgrades & fixes, DBass, Feb 12th 2013, #14

Do you: [View all]
I see people doing both, curious what your thoughts are. I take my jacket off and leave it on the seat. Having the lanyard attached to me while fish
swimbaitFeb-05-13 09:10 AM013652

Tip for slippery launch ramp [View all]
Learned a good one recently... Carry a scrub brush if you know you're going to be on a ramp that has algae or is generally slick. If you start spinn
swimbaitOct-13-12 11:31 AM013858

Removing the back deck on a Champion 198 [View all]
Here is my tale of awesomeness. This spring while running my Fortrex 101 on high for about 20 minutes continuously, I smelled a burning smell. F
swimbaitAug-29-12 06:27 PM
by Alan
Replies to this topic:
RE: Removing the back deck on a Champion 198, Lake, Aug 27th 2012, #1
RE: Removing the back deck on a Champion 198, Alan, Aug 29th 2012, #2

Penn reels [View all]
How many of you guys would roll with an American made Penn international if they were to update the design of there 955/965/975 as well as come out wi
NufoJul-29-12 09:50 PM
by Nufo
Replies to this topic:
RE: Penn reels, swimbait, Jul 29th 2012, #1
RE: Penn reels, Nufo, Jul 29th 2012, #2

Shimano Calcutta Conquest 200 reel [View all]
Greetings, Could any readers kindly advise me where I can find maintenance notes for the above freshwater reel and if possible a exploded parts listi
kelmacMay-24-12 11:37 PM
by kelmac
Replies to this topic:
RE: Shimano Calcutta Conquest 200 reel, Ken A, May 24th 2012, #1
RE: Shimano Calcutta Conquest 200 reel, kelmac, May 24th 2012, #3
RE: Shimano Calcutta Conquest 200 reel, Ken A, May 24th 2012, #2
RE: Shimano Calcutta Conquest 200 reel, kelmac, May 24th 2012, #4

New Lifevest? [View all]
I am ready for a new lifevest. I have always used the traditional vest that came with my Ranger. I am undecided if I should stick with the same? Go wi
LakeMay-22-12 04:04 PM
by swimbait
Replies to this topic:
RE: New Lifevest?, swimbait, May 22nd 2012, #1
RE: New Lifevest?, Lake, May 22nd 2012, #2
RE: New Lifevest?, Lake, May 22nd 2012, #3
      RE: New Lifevest?, swimbait, May 22nd 2012, #4

Boarding Ladders? [View all]
I have a '95 19 foot Champ. any suggestions for adding a boarding ladder to the back? With warmer temps coming, my daughter is going to want to jump i
BassinApr-12-12 01:49 PM
by Tm Customs
Replies to this topic:
RE: Boarding Ladders?, swimbait, Apr 06th 2012, #1
RE: Boarding Ladders?, Tm Customs, Apr 07th 2012, #2
      RE: Boarding Ladders?, Bassin, Apr 10th 2012, #3
           RE: Boarding Ladders?, Tm Customs, Apr 12th 2012, #4

Rigging camera mount on back of bass boat [View all]
Anyone have any good ideas on how to mount a tripod on the back of a bass boat. I want something that I can leave on while running around and in any
swimbaitFeb-03-12 05:14 PM
by Alan
Replies to this topic:
RE: Rigging camera mount on back of bass boat, swimbait, Jan 16th 2012, #1
RE: Rigging camera mount on back of bass boat, Tm Customs, Feb 02nd 2012, #2
RE: Rigging camera mount on back of bass boat, Alan, Feb 03rd 2012, #3

Trolling motor interference, solved - finally [View all]
Winter time is the one time when I really start to care about precise electronics. For as long as I've owned my boat I've been plagued by trolling mo
swimbaitDec-11-11 07:29 PM014569

Best product for water spots on fish finder screen? [View all]
I'm tired of water spots. What do you guys use to prevent build up?
swimbaitDec-06-11 09:01 PM
by swimbait
Replies to this topic:
RE: Best product for water spots on fish finder screen?, Lake, Nov 06th 2011, #1
RE: Best product for water spots on fish finder screen?, ll kaidoy ll, Nov 06th 2011, #2
RE: Best product for water spots on fish finder screen?, swimbait, Dec 06th 2011, #3

DIY Top Water [View all]
I started doing these lures a few years ago as I love the design of the lunker punker but wanted a heavy duty lure geared towards catching trophy stri
NufoJul-23-11 08:58 AM
by Nufo
Replies to this topic:
RE: DIY Top Water, Carrot Top, Jul 08th 2011, #1
RE: DIY Top Water, Nico, Jul 21st 2011, #2
RE: DIY Top Water, Nufo, Jul 23rd 2011, #3

Scent applicators? [View all]
Anyone have any good solutions for putting on liquid type scents without getting it everywhere? I have this recollection of some kind of shallow roun
swimbaitMay-29-11 10:52 PM
by ICSpots
Replies to this topic:
RE: Scent applicators?, Phil, May 21st 2010, #1
RE: Scent applicators?, CA Swimb8er, May 21st 2010, #2
      RE: Scent applicators?, fishtrax, Jun 07th 2010, #3
RE: Scent applicators?, ICSpots, May 29th 2011, #4

Ordering boat parts [View all]
So I'm watching Deadliest Catch and one of the guys breaks a blade off of his prop. Unlike our $500 props on bass boats, this one runs $35,000. Owie
swimbaitMar-06-11 07:44 PM014596

New boat accessory [View all]
Snowmobile helmet. Of course. Couldn't resist having one. It had some lame logo on it so I made a modification. htt p://www.calfishing.c om/dc/use
swimbaitFeb-23-11 01:11 PM
by dockboy
Replies to this topic:
RE: New boat accessory, Lake, Feb 22nd 2011, #1
RE: New boat accessory, dockboy, Feb 23rd 2011, #2

P-Line Shinsei [View all]
Has anyone tried the new P-Line Shinsei leader material? I like the idea of the line having a bit of stretch especially as a leader with braided line.
CodyBFeb-23-11 12:00 PM014728

Wright & McGill reels? [View all]
Does anyone have any experience with this reel manufacturer or know if they are any good? http://www. tacklewarehouse.com/ Wright__McGill_Skeet _Reese
Ken AOct-01-10 07:55 PM
by Ken A
Replies to this topic:
RE: Wright & McGill reels?, bassinzink, Sep 21st 2010, #1
RE: Wright & McGill reels?, Ken A, Sep 23rd 2010, #2
      RE: Wright & McGill reels?, BassMan, Oct 01st 2010, #3
           RE: Wright & McGill reels?, Ken A, Oct 01st 2010, #4

Wakebait 10 1/2" History questions... [View all]
I happened to run across this bait at a local sale. I did buy it. I just want to know when these were produced (year)and what they retailed for.
niKKoSep-20-10 10:38 PM
by niKKo
Replies to this topic:
RE: Wakebait 10 1/2" History questions..., petey pete, Sep 20th 2010, #1
RE: Wakebait 10 1/2" History questions..., niKKo, Sep 20th 2010, #2

Good heavy action spinning rod [View all]
I'm looking for a heavy or med-heavy action spinning rod for throwing topwater for bass. Something that will cast a toad or a regular size spook. Pr
swimbaitAug-06-10 08:40 AM
by Harry Chang
Replies to this topic:
RE: Good heavy action spinning rod, Lake, Aug 06th 2010, #1
RE: Good heavy action spinning rod, Harry Chang, Aug 06th 2010, #2

swimbait rod help...... [View all]
I just bought a calstar 800l blank from mudhole.com im wondering what would be the best handle length thanks.
Vols suck Go UKJul-26-10 06:26 AM
by Vols suck Go UK
Replies to this topic:
RE: swimbait rod help......, Tm Customs, Jul 25th 2010, #1
RE: swimbait rod help......, Vols suck Go UK, Jul 26th 2010, #2

Random boat performance factors? [View all]
Had an interesting experience at the Delta Sunday. Nico and I went out with full gear, livewells empty. Took off in Franks with 1 foot chop and 68 d
swimbaitJul-06-10 03:05 AM
by Tm Customs
Replies to this topic:
RE: Random boat performance factors?, Lake, Jun 23rd 2010, #1
RE: Random boat performance factors?, Harry Chang, Jun 24th 2010, #2
RE: Random boat performance factors?, Tm Customs, Jul 06th 2010, #3

Cool Hub Maintence [View all]
For those of you with cool hubs here is some simple maintenance. My rig is a 96 ranger. The hub does look different then the new models but the steps
LakeMay-29-10 06:34 PM
by petey pete
Replies to this topic:
RE: Cool Hub Maintence, petey pete, May 29th 2010, #1

Fixing Lowrance / Minn Kota Interference [View all]
So I got that Minn Kota Fortrex 101, wired it up and went to the lake - only to find terrible interference on my bow graph. Every time I hit the trol
swimbaitMay-23-10 06:28 PM
by CA Swimb8er
Replies to this topic:
RE: Fixing Lowrance / Minn Kota Interference, Lake, May 12th 2010, #1
RE: Fixing Lowrance / Minn Kota Interference, CA Swimb8er, May 23rd 2010, #2
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