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Top Calfishing.com Freshwater Fishing in California topic #19
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Subject: "June 2, 1999 Santa Margarita Lake" Previous topic | Next topic
Rob BelloniWed Jun-23-99 09:40 PM
Charter member
#19, "June 2, 1999 Santa Margarita Lake"


After spending four out of the last five days stuck in my room doing homework and in class, I bolted off to<BR> the lake around 5:30 tonight. It was cold and even a little rainy which I didn't know was going to happen<BR> today but whatever. I started out past jackass canyon fishing the steep banks with hopkins spoons and the<BR> big power worms. I metered some good looking marks but they didn't bite. So gee, guess what lure I put<BR> on, OK the AC minnow, right... So a couple casts later whap, and I'm hooked up on a nice bass that got<BR> airborne three times before coming in the boat. I weighed her at 3lb 12oz and pushed her back in the water.<BR> So that was nice, but man was it cold. I had another follow up a little further down the bank, but by 7:45 I<BR> headed back to the marina. It was a bit warmer there and I decided to fish a bit more. Hooked up by the<BR> launch ramp again on the AC but the fish got airborne and spit the minnow. Next little cove I got bit again<BR> and landed a two pounder. By then I was about frozen and headed in.


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