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3/4 day Rockfish and lingcod limits at SRI [View all]
Wednesday May 31st. 2017 Coral Sea 3/4 Day trip Excellent fishing today for us at santa Rosa island folks. We got off the dock with 18 angler
StardustMay-31-17 03:35 PM05276

7.16.17 3/4 day reports [View all]
Sunday July 16th, 2017 Coral Sea 3/4 Day trip Good afternoon anglers. We got off the dock this morning with 26 anglers and with a beautiful weat
StardustJul-16-17 05:33 PM05584

Amazing 1/2 day fishing [View all]
Hey folks! What an amazing half day trip today, we caught lots of reds, rockfish, a few very nice lingcod & big fat white fish. We had a super light
StardustSep-11-16 03:53 PM06351

And that's why they call it fishing folks! [View all]
3.5.16 3/4 Day Island Trip: "And that's why they call it fishing folks" Today was a tough one for us at Santa Rosa Island! We traveled far up the
StardustMar-05-16 06:39 PM05761

Coral sea 1/2 day crushing it ! [View all]
Coral Sea, 1/2 day Friday June 9, 2017 Today we had a nice light load and had great fishing! We caught lots of reds and other Rockfish, along wi
StardustJun-09-17 12:40 PM05561

Coral sea 3/4 day 3.30.18 [View all]
Heading in from Santa Rosa. The weather was really nice. We started out with good Fishing in the morning with nice quality mix bag. The later morn
StardustMar-30-18 03:47 PM07830

Coral sea 3/4 day at Santa Rosa Island [View all]
3.16.16 Coral Sea 3/4 Day- Islands Very good fishing today folks! The gorgeous weather allowed us to fish the front side of Santa Rosa and it was
StardustMar-16-16 02:39 PM05165

Coral sea half day charter 10.4.17 [View all]
1/2 day Charter 10.4.17 A really great day of half-day fishing today we had a destination company charter us. It was a really beautiful day on th
StardustOct-04-17 03:49 PM06511

Excellent fishing at Augustine [View all]
3.19.16 Coral Sea Tony Calles Charter Tony & his group wanted to run up the coast and fish San Augustine today & it ended up being a good call for
StardustMar-19-16 01:21 PM05167

July 12 Twilight [View all]
16 anglers tonight caught 4 Calicos, 22 Sandies and 15 Rockfish, Dont forget two for ones are available on the Stardust web page for the twilight trip
Howard (Guest)Jul-12-01 04:43 PM
by Howard (Guest)

Nice 1/2 day fishing [View all]
31 Anglers, 254 Rockfish, 4 Sheephead, 4 Lingcod. Great 1/2 day fishing, lots of fun and great people on board! We are going 1/2 day fishing Tuesday &
StardustNov-25-13 03:56 PM04070

Shallow water charter [View all]
Good afternoon Anglers we are heading back to the dock after enjoying beautiful weather study fishing on both quality Rockfish and some nice Ling Cod.
StardustApr-16-16 03:44 PM05606

Stardust 1/2 day [View all]
6.14.17 Stardust 1/2 day We started out in some shallow water spots this morning and found that we could catch a good handful of fish off each spo
StardustJun-14-17 03:12 PM05167

Stardust 1/2 day 3.27.18 [View all]
Tuesday March 27th, 2018 Stardust 1/2 Day Trip Excellent fishing and beautiful weather today folks. We got out with 20 anglers today and headed
StardustMar-27-18 03:27 PM08195

Stardust 3/4 day 3.6.18 [View all]
Tuesday March 6th, 2018 Stardust 3/4 Day Trip Excellent day for us today with another light load. We got off the dock with only 16 anglers this
StardustMar-06-18 05:25 PM05161

Stardust 3/4 day report [View all]
6.15.17 Stardust 3/4 day We stayed on the coast today due to the wind advisory at the islands. Headed up to our local 3/4 day zones and found some
StardustJun-15-17 04:24 PM05343

Stardust and coral sea schedule for the holiday weeken... [View all]
The Coral Sea 1/2 day IS A GO THURSDAY, we are 1/2 day Friday too. The Stardust IS A GO 3/4 Thursday-MONDAY!! That's right folks. The Stardust is 3/4
StardustMay-24-17 08:23 AM05064

Stardust Rockfish tournament at Rosa [View all]
3-19-2016 5 am Santa Barbara Sport fishing Club Charter. Our group today was having there annual Rockfish tournament and we opted to head to Sa
StardustMar-19-16 01:45 PM05151

"Opening Day!" [View all]
25 Lucky Anglers went on a trip to Santa Rosa Island for "opening day" (in Santa Barbara) and spanked the rockfish!!! 3 Cabezon, 1 Diamond Turbot, 2
StardustMar-15-14 04:15 PM04470

#totallyawesomefishing! [View all]
37 Anglers, 205 Red Rockfish, 137 Rockfish Just a hair shy of limits at the Ranch today. Lots of fun with a great group. We are a go for tomorrow's
StardustOct-07-12 05:45 PM04543

.Com Charter takes the Lings! [View all]
36 anglers, 49 Lingcod, 1 ocean whitefish, 2 turbot, 314 Rockfish, 3 Cabazon. Serious action at Santa Rosa island today. The Lings went crazy today on
StardustSep-28-13 04:57 PM04150

1 Spot on Charter 5-23-04 [View all]
I had someone drop out for my charter this Sunday. Trip is leaving at 7 A.M. on a full day trip. Plan is Cod in the morning then Bass and Barracuda in
HowardMay-22-04 03:35 AM07802

1/2 & 3/4 day boat Limits of Rockfish [View all]
Tuesday May 9th, 2017 Coral Sea 3/4 Day trip Good afternoon folks. We are heading for home after a fun and productive day of fishing today up th
StardustMay-09-17 02:58 PM05274

1/2 & 3/4 day reports [View all]
The Stardust is a go 3/4 day fishing Thursday with Great weather in the forecast!! We have a very light load and fishing has been really good. Bookin
StardustMay-14-17 05:03 PM05282

1/2 & 3/4 day reports 6.26.17 [View all]
6.26.17 Coral sea 3/4 What a nice day to get out and go fishing, we caught lots reds some big grouper and a few chucklehead. The weather was still
StardustJun-26-17 03:45 PM05633
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