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Top Calfishing.com Stardust Sportfishing Report Board
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1/2 and 3/4 day reports 7.7.17 [View all]
7.7.17 Stardust 3/4 day Good afternoon folks! We stayed along the coast today due to weather and the great fishing we have been having here locall
StardustJul-07-17 03:54 PM04786

Santa Barbara 1/2 & 3/4 day 7.6.17 [View all]
We headed to our local 3/4 day zone today with some wind at the islands. Went straight to some deeper water stones and had decent fishing right away.
StardustJul-06-17 05:04 PM04581

REMINDER: California's Free Fishing Day is......June... [View all]
See Link and Fishing Tackle Bag Below! https://bass trapp.com/blogs/2017 -us-free-fishing-day s-by-state-no-licens e-required/free-fish ing-days-for-2017-
aaronmccoy87Jun-30-17 02:22 PM05391

1/2 & 3/4 day reports 6.26.17 [View all]
6.26.17 Coral sea 3/4 What a nice day to get out and go fishing, we caught lots reds some big grouper and a few chucklehead. The weather was still
StardustJun-26-17 03:45 PM05769

6.23.17 Fish Reports [View all]
Stardust 3/4 day Hello everybody here is your 3/4 day report for the stardust. We left the harbor this morning with a full tank of live bait pointe
StardustJun-23-17 05:02 PM04511

Stardust 3/4 day report [View all]
6.15.17 Stardust 3/4 day We stayed on the coast today due to the wind advisory at the islands. Headed up to our local 3/4 day zones and found some
StardustJun-15-17 04:24 PM05455

Coral Sea CPR Charter [View all]
Thursday June 15th, 2017 Coral Sea 1/2 Day Charter Good afternoon folks. We are coming in a very relaxing and fun day of primarily catch and rel
StardustJun-15-17 02:20 PM04034

Stardust 1/2 day [View all]
6.14.17 Stardust 1/2 day We started out in some shallow water spots this morning and found that we could catch a good handful of fish off each spo
StardustJun-14-17 03:12 PM05294

Coral Sea 3/4 day 6.13.17 [View all]
Tuesday June 13th, 2017 Coral Sea 3/4 Day trip Good afternoon anglers. We were able to get out today after a few days of high winds and headed
StardustJun-13-17 03:13 PM04285

Stardust 1/2 day 6.13.17 [View all]
Stardust 6.13.17 1 /2 day Report We started our morning fishing in some mid range deep water but found that we were only catching a few fish off e
StardustJun-13-17 02:34 PM03855

Stardust & Coral Sea [View all]
June 10, 2017 Stardust 3/4 day Coastal Gary Sanchez Charter We stayed along the coast today again due to some weather but our fishing was really
StardustJun-10-17 02:01 PM04093

Stardust 3/4 day [View all]
Stardust 3/4 day June 9, 2017 We headed to our local zone today with some wind on the outer waters. We fished a wide range of spots today with our
StardustJun-09-17 03:33 PM04243

Coral sea 1/2 day crushing it ! [View all]
Coral Sea, 1/2 day Friday June 9, 2017 Today we had a nice light load and had great fishing! We caught lots of reds and other Rockfish, along wi
StardustJun-09-17 12:40 PM05695

6/6 fish reports [View all]
Coral Sea 3/4 day Nice day across at the islands for us today folks. We got off the dock today with a full boat of 25 anglers and headed across the
StardustJun-06-17 07:01 PM04394

Lingcod & Rockfish Limits [View all]
Hello everybody here is your 3/4 day report for the stardust. We are headed back from the islands right now while the crew is hard at work processing
StardustJun-02-17 05:12 PM04227

3/4 day Rockfish and lingcod limits at SRI [View all]
Wednesday May 31st. 2017 Coral Sea 3/4 Day trip Excellent fishing today for us at santa Rosa island folks. We got off the dock with 18 angler
StardustMay-31-17 03:35 PM05401

Killer 1/2 day fishing [View all]
Hey Folks, 1/2 day fishing continues to be very good. We had an amazing day catching Reds and rockfish with a couple of lingcod to boot, very nice qua
StardustMay-31-17 03:08 PM04162

Stardust & Coral Sea Reports [View all]
Thursday May 25, 2017 Stardust 3/4 day Santa Rosa Island Headed over to the islands this morning with flat calm conditions. Our first few stops i
StardustMay-25-17 03:17 PM04146

Stardust and coral sea schedule for the holiday weeken... [View all]
The Coral Sea 1/2 day IS A GO THURSDAY, we are 1/2 day Friday too. The Stardust IS A GO 3/4 Thursday-MONDAY!! That's right folks. The Stardust is 3/4
StardustMay-24-17 08:23 AM05168

Stardust 3/4 day [View all]
Hello everybody here is your 3/4 day report for the stardust. We stayed coastal today and fished our deeper water zones to start the day. It was slow
StardustMay-18-17 02:58 PM04168

1/2 & 3/4 day reports [View all]
The Stardust is a go 3/4 day fishing Thursday with Great weather in the forecast!! We have a very light load and fishing has been really good. Bookin
StardustMay-14-17 05:03 PM05406

1/2 & 3/4 day boat Limits of Rockfish [View all]
Tuesday May 9th, 2017 Coral Sea 3/4 Day trip Good afternoon folks. We are heading for home after a fun and productive day of fishing today up th
StardustMay-09-17 02:58 PM05390

Coastal Limits [View all]
Sunday May 7th, 2017 Stardust 3/4 Day trip With only 11 anglers on board today we headed up the coast to see what kind of day we could put toget
StardustMay-07-17 12:38 PM04256

Good Fishing, weather & Light loads [View all]
The Stardust is 1/2 day fishing And the Coral Sea is 3/4 day fishing Monday-Wednesday. The weather is looking good and the loads are light! On the 1/2
StardustMay-07-17 06:41 AM04142

Stardust Rockfish & Lingcod Limits! [View all]
Hello everybody here is your stardust 3/4 day report. We headed over to Santa Rosa island this morning with glassy calm conditions. We targeted lingco
StardustMay-04-17 03:20 PM04348
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