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Top Calfishing.com Stardust Sportfishing Report Board
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Long limits & Rockfish [View all]
Stardust 3/4 day update: we are 3/4 day Thursday, Friday & Sunday. All days have super light loads as of now. Weather looks fantastic for Thursday. Ju
StardustMay-04-17 04:04 AM04046

Great Fishing Light Loads! [View all]
The Stardust is about to leave the dock on an awesome 1/2 day trip! We are scheduled for a 1/2 day trip tomorrow as well, but need a few more reservat
StardustMay-02-17 07:59 AM03640

Coral Sea Private Charter gets the fish [View all]
Hey this is Capt. Jason from the Coral Sea, we are just heading in from an amazing day of fishing up the coast on a private charter. The weather was d
StardustApr-22-17 02:53 PM03571

Coral Sea has Hot 1/2 day [View all]
Good afternoon everybody, Capt Jason here from the Coral Sea giving you our afternoon 1/2 day report. Today we had a small group and had extraordinary
StardustApr-21-17 12:33 PM03638

Stardust 1/2 day afternoon bite [View all]
Capt. Corey here with your 1/2 day report. We headed out to our deeper water zone this morning but found scratchy fishing to start our day. We looked
StardustApr-19-17 02:21 PM03523

Coral Sea Limits on Reds [View all]
Wednesday April 19th, 2017 Coral Sea 3/4 Day trip. Excellent fishing for us up the coast today folks. With only 15 anglers on board and windy we
StardustApr-19-17 01:01 PM03565

Stardust Charter kills it @SRI [View all]
We headed across to Santa Rosa Island this morning with nice weather forecasted. Our morning started off slow, we caught only a couple of fish off of
StardustApr-18-17 04:18 PM03683

Coral Sea @ Islands [View all]
Tuesday April 18th, 2017 Coral Sea 3/4 Day trip. Good afternoon everyone. We are still underway for home after fishing the islands today with 17
StardustApr-18-17 03:51 PM03532

Great day @ Islands [View all]
Monday April 17th, 2017 Coral Sea 3/4 Day trip. Good afternoon anglers we are headed for home after really fun day of fishing across at the is
StardustApr-17-17 03:08 PM03634

Stardust & Coral Sea [View all]
Post Subject Stardust & Coral Sea 4.16.17 Post Text Hello anglers, here is your 3/4 day report for the stardust. We headed up the coast today wit
StardustApr-16-17 05:19 PM03715

Stardust up the line [View all]
Hello everyone here is your 3/4 day report for the stardust. We are just heading in now from our coastal zone while the crew processes today's catch a
StardustApr-13-17 02:00 PM03772

Killer 1/2 day [View all]
Thursday April 13th, 2017 Coral Sea 1/2 Day trip We are just heading in with the crew processing our days catch while our group enjoys the nice
StardustApr-13-17 01:33 PM03524

Coral Sea @ Islands [View all]
Good afternoon folks. We are still underway for the dock after a pretty good day across at the islands with 22 anglers on board. We started our day
StardustApr-12-17 04:13 PM03567

Really Fun 1/2 day fishing! [View all]
Stardust 1/2 day report: We had a great day out here, lots of families on board and they had a great time! We caught lots of quality rockfish today a
StardustApr-12-17 01:59 PM03496

Coral Sea Easy Limits & Light Loads! [View all]
Monday April 10th, 2017 Coral Sea 3/4 Day trip Good fishing today folks. We left the dock this morning with only 15 anglers on board and headed
StardustApr-10-17 11:48 AM03534

Stardust & Coral Sea Reports [View all]
Stardust 3/4 day Report: We stayed along the coast today with a windy forecast offshore. We fished the deeper water again today and had consistent fis
StardustApr-09-17 01:32 PM03543

Light loads and good weather [View all]
The Stardust is a go 3/4 day fishing Thursday with Great weather in the forecast!! We have a very light load and fishing has been really good. Bookin
StardustApr-05-17 07:15 AM03461

Stardust & Coral Sea 3.2.17 [View all]
Hello everybody, here is your 3/4 day report for the stardust. We headed across to the islands again with absolutely beautiful weather. We started off
StardustMar-02-17 03:57 PM04401

3.1.17 opening day reports! [View all]
3.1.17 Stardust 3/4 day trip Hello everybody, here is your 3/4 day report for the stardust. We had beautiful weather conditions today and headed a
StardustMar-01-17 04:56 PM04105

3/4 day at the Islands ALL week! [View all]
The weather tomorrow through the weekend looks amazing to fish at the islands! The Stardust has an incredibly light load Thursday and Friday. Book
StardustMar-01-17 11:24 AM03752

Lingcod & Rockfish Bites on! [View all]
Good afternoon folks we are heading in here with only 15 anglers on board today. Absolutely gorgeous weather today and pretty good fishing overall.
StardustDec-08-16 04:41 PM04338

Coral Sea & Stardust Fish Reports [View all]
Coral Sea 11.22.16 3/4 day Trip Good afternoon everybody, Capt. Corey here with the Coral Sea 3/4 day report. We started off up at Santa Rosa island
StardustNov-22-16 04:40 PM04500

Stardust kills it at SRI [View all]
Friday October 28th, 2016 Stardust 3/4 Day trip Beautiful day on the ocean today folks. After last night thunder and lightning we still made it
StardustOct-28-16 03:39 PM05008

Good Weather, BIG fish [View all]
Hey everybody Capt Jason here, we're just heading back across the channel while the crew is processing everybody's fish. I have to say, the weather to
StardustOct-25-16 03:15 PM04937

Lings on the Steady at SRI [View all]
Coral Sea 10.11.16 3/4 day SRI We fished rather far away again today at Santa Rosa Island with very good lingcod fishing. The rockfish fishing was O
StardustOct-11-16 06:20 PM05044
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